265-271 Granby Street
261 - 271 Granby Street Property status
265 Granby Street
265 Granby Street is home to 2 businesses thriving within its premises. The first floor is home to the Tropical Smoothie Cafe operating for over a decade. Within the 2nd floor is The Gym downtown which spans multiple buildings along this strip.
Mezzanine overlooking the restaurant
Functional Bathrooms & Plumbing
Operational Fixtures, Outlets, Lights
Newly designed & Painted walls + Upkept floors and newly painted walls
Functional HVAC System
271 Granby Street
The 271 Granby St Property is an immense historical masterpiece in perfect operating condition. The building consists of 3 stories, the first being a spacious area brilliant for retail. Between the 1st and 2nd floors is a long mezzanine spanning the width of the building overlooking the 1st floor’s high ceilings and open floorplan. The 2nd floor consists of another spacious open floorplan with glass railings, bathrooms, 5 breakout rooms, and elevator access. Finally, the 3rd floor, also open and spacious has 3 larger offices, lots of storage space, and elevator access.
Functional Bathrooms & Plumbing
Operational Fixtures, Outlets, Lights
Well-kept floors and rustic brick walls.
Functional HVAC System
Operational Audio system
Full-service Elevator
Glass railings and a grand staircase provide access to the Mezzanine and 2nd floor.
The Downtown Granby Street Region
Location. Location. Location.
Highly visible retail/restaurant location(s) in the Granby District, and only a few short blocks from from the Wells Fargo Center, Waterside, The Main and directly across the MacArthur Center main entrance .
In the City's NIC - Norfolk Innovation Corridor.
Be part of the mixed-use development which includes retail, office, co-working and residential spaces.
Observe the aerial on Google Maps by clicking here, and every “P” on that aerial is a parking facility. Buildings are virtually surrounded by parking. There is on-street, metered parking as well. On street parking is free on Sunday, 2 hours free on Saturday, and metered till 5:30pm M-F and then complementary thereafter.
Downtown is the only market in the area that is accessible by varied modes of transport. Automobile, Pedestrian/Bicycle and Scooter, Boat (via ferry to Olde Towne Portsmouth), Light Rail, and PASSENGER RAIL TO DC, NY, and Boston!
Located one block away from two light rail stations.
Subdividable spaces.
Percolator Granby and Monticello Campuses offer work spaces, offices, desks and training facilities.
Observe the amenities within 0 to 3 blocks walking distance:
Percolator Co-working (Granby and Monticello Campuses)
TCC Audio Visual Center
Regal Theaters
Locals Market Place
Wells Theater and Va Stage Company
Glass Light 5 star hotel and glass art museum
Governor's School for the Arts-regional attendance
Light Rail
Wells Fargo Center
New Condos & Apartments
MacArthur Center
Countless Independent Bars & Restaurants
The Gym Downtown
Circuit Social Retro-Arcade
Theaters & Arts District
Financial District
Hilton Conference, Entertainment and Hotel
The Norva